Saturday, January 9, 2010

Photo #9: Gong Fu Tea

Measuring Tea
Originally uploaded by BarbaraLN

I had a difficult time choosing my picture for today. It was not because I didn't have one, but rather because I had to decide between several. I spent time in three of my favorite places today: the library, Gong Fu Tea, and Costco, so it was hard to make a choice between them. I chose Gong Fu, because I am really enjoying the luxury of a delicious cup of steaming tea these days. I enjoy sampling new flavors, and as you can see by the tins lining the wall, there are many to try. Not only do I enjoy the tea, I like the ceremony and the paraphernalia that goes with it. I like watching the clerks climb the ladder to lift down the precious tins. They carefully weigh and scoop the tea into the bags. I love the shape and line of the teapots that stand on the shelves. There are special spoons to stir the tea, cups to brew the tea, fancy tins to store it in, and teapots of all sizes. It's a pleasure to savor the rich aroma of the tea as it steeps. And finally to anticipate the comforting warmth and flavor of the tea as I grasp the cup in my hand, and sip slowly..

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