I am trying a few new things this year. I'm posting my photos to a website called Shuttercal.com I also continue to post my photos to Flickr. While those are fun ways to share my photos, for me the writing that went with it is an important part of this photo challenge. I debated whether to start a new blog, but decided to keep everything in one place and continue with this same blog. You will notice that I have slightly modified the blog name. So here we go again! I can't seem to help myself. Here are my first four photos of the year.
Photo #1: Thank You Cards
I had a wonderful Christmas vacation, and I really did take a vacation from school. In spite of all my good intentions, I did not touch any of the work I brought home. On the last day before vacation, I took eight thank you cards to school with me, which was not nearly enough to respond to all the gifts I received. Instead I brought the presents home with the idea that I would open them on Christmas morning and write a thank you card as I opened each one. That didn't happen. So on New Years day, I made cards and finally got around to writing them.
Photo #2: I Love Dogs
This little sculpture and the painted box that it's sitting on, was one of the gifts I received. It is a well known fact to all my students that I am a dog lover. They can relate to this, because most kids love dogs too!
Photo #3: Loyal
Photo #4: Fly Like an Eagle
Photo 3 and 4 are parts of the table in our school library. This table was painted by Sticks Furniture, and it was purchased close to twenty years ago, as a memorial to one of our students who was hit and killed by a car.
I received the same little statue except it says, "I Love Cats!"