Monday, March 2, 2020

A Good Night's Sleep

A few weeks ago I had a sleep study.  I have never been much of a sleeper.  I usually go to sleep by nine thirty or ten at night, but I don't stay asleep.  I wake up multiple times during the night, and if I have a lot on my mind, I sometimes cannot go back to sleep.  I rarely sleep until my alarm goes off.  I am usually up by four thirty or five a.m.

I never really thought a lot about it.  I figured this is just the way I am.  I viewed myself as a morning person.  My daughter and my sister thought otherwise, which is what prompted us to discuss my sleep patterns with my cardiologist and pulmonologist.

Turns out I have sleep apnea!  I am now getting used to using a CPAP machine.  It is not an easy adjustment, but I am already sleeping longer than I was.

I have to laugh at myself, because I have several friends who use CPAPs, but never once did I wonder if I had similar sleep issues.  Well, live and learn!  Now I am asking these friends a lot of questions about their experiences.  Oh, and I've had to start setting the alarm clock when I need to be up at a certain time.

My Gratitude for Today

  1. I slept 7 1/2 hours last night without waking or getting up once.  I am beginning to adjust to the CPAP machine.
  2. Time with friends, and their willingness to share their wisdom and experience with me.
  3. I have a wonderful and caring daughter.
  4. We are having some nice weather with warmer temperatures and beautiful sunshine.
  5. I am getting in the mood to start some seeds for my garden.  
  6. My work at the Greater Des Moines Botanical Garden.  It is such a beautiful place to spend time. The pictures above are from the Gardener's Show House.

1 comment:

  1. Glad to hear it's working! Getting good sleep will change the quality of your life.
