Friday, February 19, 2010

Photo #50: My New House

This is a picture of my new house. It's located outside Santa Fe, New Mexico, and I plan to take possession on March 14th. I'm looking forward to living there on school vacations, and then a few years from now, moving there permanently......

OK, I admit it. I didn't actually take this photo myself, and it's not my house, yet. But I am planning to move in. I have been visualizing myself, sitting in the sunrise room, cooking in the kitchen, blogging in the office. There is a fantastic view from the patio, with a great fireplace. It's actually the HGTV Dream House for 2010, and I have been entering to win it, every day since the beginning of the year. My sister has been doing the same thing. We both have visualization boards posted in our homes, with pictures of our future home. Today is the last day to enter.

In January, I saw a news report about a woman in California who visualized herself winning $12,000,000. She waited until the lottery got to 12 million, and then she bought two tickets. She won!!! Now she is living in a nice home, and is producing movies.

Somebody is going to win the HGTV Dream House, and it might as well be me or my sister, because either way, I get to live there. It's one of those little carrots that has gotten me through the winter.

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