Sunday, September 18, 2011

Photo #257/365: Paper Blogs

We have been learning about blogging and how blogs work.   To understand how blogs work, we made paper blogs.  Students wrote their first blog post on paper.  They glued their post to a poster and decorated it to make it look like a blog.  Then we hung them around the room. On top of the bulletin boards, on the white board, taped to bookshelves.  We visited a blog by a teacher in California, Mrs. Yollis, and watched a short video that her students made about writing comments.  Their advice was to be positive and specific.

Armed with pencils and sticky notes we all moved around the room reading each other's blogs and writing comments on the sticky notes.  We stuck the sticky notes to the blogs.  Some people tried to sneak back to their own blogs to read the comments, but they had to wait until the end.  When we were finished, everyone got their own blogs back and got to read the comments that had been left for them.  Now we are ready to write our first blog post for our on-line blogs.

This was the first time I tried the paper blog idea, but I will definitely do it again.  The original idea comes from middle school teacher, Karen McMillan.  You can read about it on her blog, Notes from McTeach.  Also, here is a link to Mrs. Yollis's blog.


  1. I love this, Barbara. Thanks for the illustrated explanation of "paper" blogs. I think I will actually do this with my seventh graders, who have never blogged before. I've always thought it was for younger students, but now I see that it would be fun and beneficial for any age new bloggers.

  2. Love this...reminds me of "gallery walks" that I used to do and have completely forgotten about=) Thanks so much!

  3. Awesome idea - I love the explanation and picture to go with it. This would be great for any class who is learning to blog. -Thanks for sharing - E :)

    Ma America, The Travelin' Maven
    Author of the JGDS, 50-state, mystery, trivia series
    Where will the adventure take you next?

    Elysabeth Eldering
    Author of Finally Home, a yA paranormal mystery (coming soon)

  4. Barb,
    A great idea and the once again "a picture is worth a thousand words."

  5. This is a great idea to express once feeling,practice them in blogging and exchange ideas from different walks of life.Used Epson paper in writing your blog, to add more beauty and to make more presentable in the eyes of other reader.Do visit @:
